Wow, you were asked to officiate a wedding! How exciting... and scary..... don't worry, we have you covered!
My name is Dan and I've been an ordained minister and wedding DJ for the past 20+ years. I have have seen many people perform wedding ceremonies, some of them were their very first time performing. The professionals are usually pretty good with no mistakes; it's the first timers that worry me.
Did they ruin the wedding? No. Could it have been better? Yes!
They chose you because you are a great friend or relative and they know you are a good public speaker. Right? Let’s make them proud and show them a solid ceremony performance that’s 100% legal!
Getting ordained is the easy part and we will help with that for sure. It’s getting the perfectly written and performed ceremony that is challenging. We will make you look like a pro in no time.
We will give you tips and tricks to help reduce the stress levels of the bride and groom. Things like: When to seat the guests, when the bride passes the bouquet and confirm the best man/ring bearer has the rings.
Follow our simple steps and you will be on your way to making the Bride and Groom, and yourself
look amazing.
Sound good so far?
You are a few clicks away from becoming ordained.
Just minutes from now, you'll be creating memorable and meaningful ceremonies.
We will then help you make the Bride and Groom's big day unforgettable with some very helpful hints and tricks!
The professionals at I Wed Ministeries will make it easy, quick and FUN!
A $20 fee will get you legally ordained
and will unlock all the ceremonies and helpful files!
You will become legally ordained. With the right to perform a wedding ceremony.
A lifetime license of ordainment; Never needs to be renewed.
Full access to a digital download area where you can have your pick of amazing ceremonies.
(This alone is worth 10X the price.)
Added bonus of readings to choose from if the ones we chose don't fit your style.
Access to a file that explains all the "behind the scenes" things you will have to be aware of.
There is a downloadable certificate AND card you can print to show the world you are official!
A resource to check your state's rules and regulations regarding wedding ceremonies.
The ceremonies and helpful notes.
If our service is what you are looking for, proceed to the secure payment section below.
Your choice of any (or all) ceremonies will be in a PDF and word document format
to make it nice and easy to edit.
Also don't forget to download the file with all the tips and suggestions on performing the ceremony, lining up the bridal party, what to wear, and more.
Writing a ceremony
Not every couple has a clear idea of how they want the ceremony to go. This step may require the Bride and Groom to give you some feedback and then you can take it from there. These example ceremonies are solid as written, but feel free to edit them to fit the couple's beliefs and your style.
Readings can be added or removed depending on the couple's preferences.
With your paid ordination you will see the "Thank you" page open up and allow for a digital download. It's easy to enter the couples' names into the ceremony to personalize it for your Bride and Groom.
I Wed Ministeries gives you full access to ALL of our time tested, beautiful ceremonies. These range from: Religious, Non-Denominational, Light-hearted, Same Sex, Short & Sweet, Loving, Civil, and Family Orientated. We even added a vow re-newal ceremony for you!
We also are giving you some wonderful readings to swap in and out of your ceremonies.
We took all the hard work out for you and made it super simple.
Special note: If you were to purchase this using your phone, and then want to edit ceremony later from your home computer, you do not need to purchase it again. Your email will have a special link to view and download the ceremonies anytime you wish.